Foley celebrates Pine Street Park opening | Flickr by Street Lab
Foley celebrates Pine Street Park opening | Flickr by Street Lab
A ribbon cutting will mark the opening of Foley’s newest park, located at 300 W. Laurel Avenue, adjacent to Foley’s Historic Downtown and the Foley Middle School, at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023. The park came about thanks to the cooperation of several entities that include the City of Foley, the Baldwin County Board of Education and Foley Main Street. The South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce will hold the ribbon cutting to celebrate the new park. The public is invited to attend the ribbon cutting and enjoy this unique park.
The theme of the park is music. The small park holds an amphitheater that will accommodate about 100 people, permanent musical instruments that are located beside a handicapped-accessible stage, and a nicely landscaped tree buffer along Highway 98. The musical instruments were purchased with an AARP Community Grant received by Foley Main Street. The lot is leased by the city from the Baldwin County Board of Education.
Original source can be found here.